Saturday, August 30, 2014

Open Little Secret

Disclaimer: This is only for fun and doesn't target any specific person or group. The words/sentence here are not meant to change your views and no pun intended.

Open Little Secret - the impression I get on my project every now and then. Trying my best to have an analogy with the new born baby.

OK we got the child, that is good. But, was the latest approach followed while making the child? You must be kidding. "Latest approach followed to make a child" - includes touring to Hawaii, surprise with expensive gifts to keep someone out of tensions and then the rest. Else, the latest medical routine (FET, ICSI etc) has to be followed. Either way, both needs a kidney to be sold and time. Can we get that?

OK, we got the child with two eyes, one nose, two ears etc. I am glad to know that. But, are they doing what they are suppose to do? And all of a sudden we rush to another team, who says - OK, out of 4.0 - eyes stand on 3.5, nose stand on 2.6. When asked, "how do you determine 4.0 is the best", no one has the answer ... lol.

OK, baby just got delivered and while the specialist is checking its condition, can we start planning for the next one and probable date of birth? Is it possible to have the twins (or even triplets) within the same time? Do we even think, if the mother is doing good and if the new born baby needs mother's nurture? Yes, we think of it and the offer is - take care of child, mother and parallelly start for the next child - "Give one and Plan three offer" :)

I am bored of looking (nursing) other babies, I want to contribute to bringing life to earth - The national anthem of the team :)

I checked the baby. It has its eyes opened and is just doing fine. Can be discharged. Later parents finds the baby is not blinking at all and is not breathing :)

You need 9 months to deliver a baby? Oh common, can we try for 7 months cesarean? On contrary, for some, 9 months is too less to deliver a baby. I need to go for gym, get my body in shape and only then can be given the best try. But, at the end, the clause will still be "Will try my best (Can't guarantee)"

Hey, can we have more men to get the baby ASAP? Oh common, its simple logic - if you need more baby, you need more women too :)

Save "Our Lady of Sorrows"

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